Day #23 Journal Prompt
Details: Paint a Reindeer using different shapes, lines, and objects.
Message: Today’s style and process of art is one I hope you can fall back on whenever artist block creeps up. Personally when I’m feeling uninspired, overwhelmed, or unmotivated, this is the kind of art I’ll create to get me back on track.
I also don’t wait until I “feel” inspired. I’ll grab my favorite cup of tea or coffee, find a comfy couch or chair, turn on some uplifting music, and with all my colorful paints out I’ll dive right in. Sometimes I’ll have an idea of what I want to create, other times I’ll make decisions in the moment. In fact, most of these journal prompts were done on a whim, with no plan whatsoever.
One of my new favorite quotes by Chuck Close is, “All the best ideas come out of the process. They come out of the work itself. Things occur to you.” It’s important you give yourself permission to play and explore, expecting something great, but never perfect!
Traceable: Click HERE to download.
Reference Photo: Click HERE to download.
Paint Colors: Cadmium Red, Magenta, Black, White, Phthalocyanine Blue, Cadmium Yellow, Orange, Violet. Any additional colors of your choice!
Other Supplies: Small flat brush, medium flat brush, round detail brush or liner brush, cup for water, paint palette, cloth. All materials and brands are listed HERE.
Instructions: After you complete this creative prompt, use the left side to write down the questions shown below this tutorial. I encourage you to write inside your art journal using your favorite pens, pencils, or markers. Once you’ve completed both sections, post/send just your drawing/painting for a chance to win. NOTE: If you’re left handed, switch the side you plan to paint and write on.
Daily Prayer: Dear Father, thank you for the weekends! Help us to restore our creativity, strength, and motivation this weekend. We invite you into our drawings and paintings. We ask that you guide our hands in every step. Work through us and in us as we sit down to create. Show yourself in our artwork! We praise you Father, Amen.