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Day #26 Journal Prompt

Details: Just 4-days left of the challenge creatives! Today, I want to see you BEE more you! Draw a bumble bee with a quote that represents you.

Message: Did you know that almost 90% of wild plants and 75% of leading global crops depend on animal pollination? One out of every three mouthfuls of our food depends on pollinators like bees.

Unfortunately, the bee population is being threatened by pesticides, climate change, and massive deforestation. Fewer bees mean fewer pollinators, fewer crops, and less plant diversity. We NEED bees…literally to survive!

Honestly, this is how I view each person on earth. Yes we desperately need bee’s, but we also NEED you to beee more you! Our world is missing out on all the blessings ONLY you can give. No one else on earth can serve, or create, or dance, or write, or lead, like you can. What you have was meant to be shared!

And just like bee’s, all your work matters! Every small flower that a bee pollinates helps us, just like every person you encourage, support, or serve, matters too. What this world needs is you to bee more YOU!

Other Supplies: Graphite pencil, eraser, micron 05 pen. All materials and brands are listed HERE.

Instructions: After you complete this creative prompt, use the left side to write down the questions shown below this tutorial. I encourage you to write inside your art journal using your favorite pens, pencils, or markers. Once you’ve completed both sections, post/send just your drawing/painting for a chance to win. NOTE: If you’re left handed, switch the side you plan to paint and write on.

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Daily Prayer: Dear Father, help us to identify and embrace our gifts, personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Open our eyes to our incredible design! Help us to embrace it and begin to use it to better this world. Lead us Father in the right direction so we can start acting and working hard with these gifts! We thank you Father for who you made us to beee! We praise you Father, Amen.