Mini Sketchbook Tour | How to Get Motivated to Create?

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Mini Sketch Book Tour

When I really don’t feel like creating for more than a couple days, it’s probably because I’ve been to hard on myself OR I’ve not been getting enough rest.

When this happens I go straight to my sketch book and I just PLAY with art.

I use acrylic paint, watercolor, permanent marker, graphite pencil, I add words, I use painters tape sometimes….I just play!

Nothing fancy. Nothing perfect. Just whatever makes me happy, I create it. Sometimes it looks great, sometimes it looks eeeeehh, ok.

My expectations are lowered so that what happens, happens. I create with shapes, lines, texture, and for the sole purpose of enjoying the process.


how Do I Start?

Pinterest, Google, or Instagram

If I’m not sure what to create, which is 99% of the time, I scroll through Pinterest first.

I slowly scroll to see what inspires me in color, animal, or words. I normally choose something that is relatively low in challenge level and vibrantly colorful.

This may take awhile. Sometimes 10-20 minutes. Be patient! I’ll even look through images on Instagram and/or Google if I cannot find something of my liking.

Choosing the Medium

I have a mixed media sketchbook. That’s really important if you want to work with more than one kind of medium. So once I find the reference photo, I choose the best medium for that image OR the medium that I just want to experiment with.

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Learn As You Go

I first sketched this rabbit in 4H graphite pencil and then went on to using PRISMA colored pencils. Overtime, I added in some stars and outlined the feet using a fine point pen. I gave my hand permission to just create.

My Sketchbook, My Rules!

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Don’t Be Critical

As you finish or try to find a finishing point for your art, don’t judge! Take whatever you liked about that piece and apply it to the next sketch or painting.

Every Page is a Step Forward in your Skill Level.

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Use Both Pages

I don’t just recommend this to save on paper, even though I think that’s important, I say this to keep the momentum. When you can see your past creation front and center, it can inspire the next one, and the next one, and the next one.

Keep Playing on that Momentum

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Have Fun…period!

Create to have fun. Not to just fill up your sketchbook. Not to create a perfect painting for a friend (of course you can do that), do it for your enjoyment.

And if you have any further questions/concerns, leave them in the comments down below! Be Blessed.