Painting Frustration
Sometimes the painting process can feel hopeless. We get stuck on an area and try to rework it over and over again, but still nothing seems to fix it.
Whoever said painting was relaxing? Well, it really can be if you give these five steps a try.
Step 1: PAWS
Well, that’s what I’m going to use to help you remember this step, but what I mean is the word, “pause.” Yes, we must stop and think instead of trying to force things to happen. Take a minute to think about what you could do next or work on instead.
Step 2: Move Onto Another Area
Once you’ve given it some thought, redirect your thoughts to that next area. Maybe you can work on your dark tones, maybe you can add things to the background. Whatever it is, avoid getting stuck on one area for so long you go bonkers. If you cannot move further because you need to complete that area you were stuck on, try step 3.
Step 3: Seek Inspiration
Look on Pinterest. Link on YouTube. Go outside. Get some external inspiration. You may even find turning on your favorite music will help this come alive in you.
Step 4: Make a Decision
Making the wrong decision is better than making NO decision. The wrong decision will eventually lead to the correct one! You just have to go for it and TRY!
Step 5: Open Your Mind
Open your mind to doing things a little differently. You may be surprised by how much you actually like it! Letting go will make you a better artist and one with passion too!