Materials List
Canvas: 6x6 inch canvas or paper.
Acrylics: White, Black, Violet, Cadmium Yellow (or any Yellow), Orange (or Red with Yellow), Phthalocyanine Blue (or any Blue), Burnt Sienna, Raw Sienna.
Brushes: Small round detail brush, Small flat brush, Micro or liner detail brush.
Reference: Photo of flowers are above.
Start by mixing White with Violet. Paint the entire canvas a light Purple. Let sit for 3-5 minutes.
Paint three circles using just Burnt Sienna. Mix Cadmium Yellow with Orange to paint the pedals. Keep the pedals thin near the flower bud, and thick at the end of each pedal. Make the end of the pedal look kind of “bumpy” in texture.
Add pedals all around one flower bud.
Move to the next flower bud once you’ve completed one.
Keep the pedals consistent with the angle of the flower bud. Make sure to keep the size and width of each pedal the same. Paint the pedals on all three flowers.
Add another flower bud using Burnt Sienna. Mix Cadmium Yellow with White. Add a long oval overtop that flower bud for the bumble bee body.
Using black, paint in the bee stripes, head, and two legs. Wash out your brush and mix up a light grey using White and Black. Apply a thin strip of Light Grey in the center of the bees back for the wings.
Add pedals to the newest flower bud using Orange and Cadmium Yellow.
Wash out your brush and mix Cadmium Yellow with White. Using your detail round brush, outline all the flower pedals using this Light Yellow mixture.
Using the same Yellow, add texture to each flower bud using tiny dots placed in a row of circles. Keep the center of each bud brown.
Continue with the Light Yellow mixture. Outline the flower pedals and add dots to the flower buds.
Keep brush thin with paint to create tiny details.
Wash out your brush and add just Orange to the tops of each flower pedal, but within the Yellow border.
Wash out your brush and just Cadmium Yellow, create small circles in the background to start painting the daisy’s.
Wash out your brush and with just White, paint long, pointy daisy pedals around the outside of each flower bud. Keep pedals pointed down.
Fill in each daisy flower bud with just Burnt Sienna.
Mix the colors Phthalocyanine Blue and Cadmium Yellow to create a medium Green. Using a detail round brush, paint in steps below the flowers. Paint in leaves on those stems. Add extra leaves in the background.
Add in Cadmium Yellow into the Green. Use that Light Green to add highlights overtop the leaves and stems.
Wash out your brush and add another layer of White to the daisy flower pedals.
Wash out your brush and add a tiny bit of Raw Sienna to the flower pedals nearest to the flower bud.