#1 Bear Painting


Materials List

Canvas: 6x6 inch canvas or paper.

Acrylics: Cobalt Blue, White, Black, Burnt Sienna, Orange, Violet, Raw Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow.

Brushes: Small round detail brush, Small flat brush, Micro or liner detail brush.

Reference: Reference photo included in video.

How can I find my artist style?

I have a few tips here to help with this, but honestly, your artist style will never stop evolving. As long as you’re painting and changing as a person, your artist style will always be developing. Still, to expedite the process, especially if you want to make a career from your art, here’s some helpful tips.

  • Approach Paintings Playfully. Go into each painting expecting to have fun. Have that childlike perspective of just wanting to play and learn with paint while anticipating great things to come. It takes so much of that brain fogging pressure off of us with this light perspective. Allowing creativity to flow freely and effortlessly.

  • Define The Goal. Gather a bunch of your favorite paintings that gives YOU the emotional experience you want people to get from YOUR artwork. What do you want people to gain from your work? Is it peace? Is it motivation? Define how you want to change this world with your artwork.

  • Be Yourself. I learned who I was in the process of finding my artist style. Whether you see it or not, your personality is in each painting you create. It may be hard to define, but the more you create from a place of authenticity, allowing yourself to just BE, the easier it becomes to pinpoint your artistic traits and character.