Happy Mother’s Day! Our little ones are still sick, but getting better. The sore throats and runny noses are almost behind us. I did manage to draw these two today. I’ll be painting at least one tomorrow ❤️.
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
Daily Creative Quiet Time
Here I go! All through 2022 I’ll be sharing my daily creative quiet time routine. I’ll shoot for 10-minutes a day (at least) progressing through a Commission, or an Online Animal Art Masterclass tutorial, or a Youtube tutorial, or artwork for Collectors.
For me the creative process involves more than just colorful paint, it’s an act of praise and worship. I chose the phrase “Confidence in the Lord” as my art/life focus for the year. I plan to pull colorful inspiration from bible verses, the valuable lessons of life, and the vibrant paint I get my hands on! Now lets paint.
Most Used Materials
Acrylic Paint: Large Paint, Small Paint, Arteza Gold Paint, Golden Fluid White
Markers: Copic (large), Arteza Markers, Copic (small), Arteza Paint Markers
Brushes: Arteza Detail Brushes, Arteza Mixed Brushes
Paper: Canon Paper, Strathmore Paper
Varnish: Glossy Varnish, Satin Varnish, Spray Varnish