NEW Painting | Lessons from Covid


Lessons From Mr. Covid

Although it’s been an uncomfortable 2020 for many of us, I still feel like my personal growth has fast-forwarded because of it.

Thanks to Mr. Covid I have learned so many valuable lessons. One very loud, nagging lesson for me has been these two words, slow down. Mr. Covid forced me to focus less on myself and more on my beautiful family at home. To be intentional about being intentional.

We hear it all the time, covid forced us to see what’s really important. Our mental health, our family, having a career we love instead of dread getting up for, being financial stable, I could go on and on.

I created this snail painting to show the beauty in doing life together and slowly. Even if we cannot see many of our friends, we can at least do the best we can as intentionally as we can.
