Next LIVE Painting | Materials List

Photo Apr 20, 7 51 43 AM.jpg
Photo Apr 20, 7 52 15 AM.jpg

LIVE Octopus Painting

Inspired by an octopus painting I did a few days ago, here is the LIVE painting I’ll be demonstrating in real-time on the Private Masterclass Facebook page on April 24th.

When: 7 pm CST on Friday, April 24th

What: 6 x 6 Octopus Painting using Acrylics

Where: Private Masterclass Facebook group

Who: Masterclass students, but for one day ONLY non-students can join by request.

Photo Apr 18, 11 28 25 AM.jpg


Canvas: 6 x 6 canvas


Small round detail brush

Medium flat brush

Micro round detail brush

Acrylic Paint:

Light Purple

Titanium White

Cadmium Red

Crimson Red

Phthalocyanine Blue

Light Blue

Mars Black



Paint Palette or Paper Plate

Cup for Water.