Time to Reflect and Set Goals for 2021


HOLY MEOW batman

It’s incredible what can happen in just two years. Here’s a photo from just two summers ago after completing a commission for my neighbor. Between then and now, life has taken me for one fun rollercoaster ride!!

  • Had baby #1 - AnnaGrace

  • Got pregnant with baby #2 - Zachary (due June 13th)

  • Started a YouTube Channel (nearly 10,000 subscribers today, hurray)

  • Published my first book sold on Amazon

  • Launched my Online Membership Class (Online Animal Art Masterclass)

  • Moved my entire art room upstairs

  • Launched a Redbubble shop

  • Uploaded 108 videos on YouTube

  • Uploaded 125 tutorials in the Masterclass

  • Adopted Rizzo the kitty

  • First solo art show at the Dole Mansion

Bear 1.jpeg
Baby 1.jpeg
Muse art.jpeg

2021… Bring It On!

After reflecting on all that God has done in my life in just two years, I’m even more excited to see what he has in store for 2021. It’s going to be interesting running an online masterclass with two babies during a pandemic. I’m excited to see how my art continues to evolve and develop overtime, not to mention how my teaching style and tutorial set up changes. After giving it some more thought, here are my four main goals for 2021.

  • #1: Creating authentic, more creative animal art portraits - I want to expand my creativity even more this year. I want to keep developing my art, letting God mold me and my work, along with my skills and technique.

  • #2: Give, give, and give some more to my students - The students in my Masterclass and my YouTube followers have been my main priority for the past two years. I’m going to pour all my knowledge and expertise into these two avenues as much as I can manage.

  • #3: Be the best role model for my children - With two babies now in the picture I’m going to give myself more grace and rest. It can be exhausting managing my art business while caring for a child/ren, so I want to make sure I’m balancing mama with artist as best I can.

  • #4: Read more books - I’ve already started doing this because I’m sick of staring at a computer screen, or my phone, or into a camera, or at a TV. I want to fill my brain with all things art, Jesus, business, fitness, and psychology.

Your turn

I’ve created a list of questions that may help you better define and clearly write down your goals for 2021. YES, even despite covid, don’t let that be an excuse!

  1. If money, time, or covid didn’t matter, what would you LOVE to accomplish this year?

  2. Chuck what others may think or say out the window, what do you want to accomplish?

  3. Perfect people don’t succeed, ORIGINAL people with courage succeed! When you feel afraid this year, what can you do, say, or think to help you keep moving forward?

  4. Will your goals stretch you to the max? If not, you’re not dreaming big enough! Dream bigger.

  5. Starting can be the hardest part, but the most important to help you gain momentum. What are the first three steps that you can take in January to help you achieve this goal? Be as specific as possible. You can learn and adapt as you go, just focus on the first three steps!

  6. What are three barriers that will/may prevent you from accomplishing your goals?

  7. Write down 3-success statements for each barrier. For example, one barrier could be money. One success statement could be, I can be resourceful and creative with what I have right now to start working towards my goals!