Bright Colors Make Me Happy


This morning when I walked into my art studio, rays of sun were touching almost every painting.

The gold was sparkling. The colors were saturated. Everything was so shiny, so vibrant, and so colorful.

It makes my heart full when I see these colors.

"Grace Is Sufficient"

"Grace Is Sufficient"

"The Wolf You Feed"

"The Wolf You Feed"



I hope my art can bring as much joy to you as it does for me.

With Christ inspiring these paintings, I wish for his greatness to encourage you to be creative in your own way.

Since I've started this wildlife series, many people have told me how my art makes them want to paint.

Even if you don't like to paint - write, dance, build, sculpt, draw, sew - anything that allows you to be freely creative.

I encourage you to do it everyday!

It helps me slow down, pray, and process stressful situations. It helps me to care for myself AND thus helping me care for others. It's like therapy.

Not going to lie, it's always hard to part from my paintings, but I want to share this gold. If your interested, these paintings are currently on sale until midnight tonight with Promo Code: LULU

With this code, everything in my shop - prints, originals, and custom - is 20% OFF until tonight at midnight. Click HERE to view my shop.