My Pregnancy Inspired Collection


The NEW Nativity Joy Collection

As promised, for those of you that couldn’t make it to my show yesterday, I wanted to show you my newest collection.

I call it, “Nativity Joy” a series of farm animals expressing the joy and gratitude for the coming of a sweet baby! And not just baby Jesus.

8” x 10” Exhilarated Eddy

8” x 10” Exhilarated Eddy

8” x 10” Sweet Sunshine

8” x 10” Sweet Sunshine

The Inspiration

After discovering I was 10-weeks pregnant on September 10th, my artist mind and spirit went into total nesting/creative mode.

I began pouring out all my pregnant emotions and thoughts into my paintings, which organically evolved into this joyful, whimsical, and innocent farm animal series.

With the Holiday’s soon approaching, my pregnant mind kept dwelling on what Mother Mary must have been experiencing while carrying baby Jesus. I’m just as surprised as you are that this is what I keep dwelling on! Hehehe.

8” x 10” Captivated Noel

8” x 10” Captivated Noel

8” x 10” Cheeky Trixie

8” x 10” Cheeky Trixie

Now of course I don’t know exactly how Mother Mary felt, but I could imagine she felt something like this - extremely humbled and thankful, but also immensely insecure to be the one chosen to mother God’s precious being.

For the first time in my life, I can relate. I often find myself jumping back and forth between complete inadequacy and genuine appreciation for God’s blessing. An emotional roller-coaster that flings me up high to joy then back down to sheer panic.

When I drop into those dark, weak moments, I’m trying to remind myself that God knew Mary wasn’t perfect. She didn’t have the perfect eating habits, faith, mind, body, or heart. She was flawed just like me.

She was indeed an innocent, loving, nurturing woman, but stained with sin just like all of us. And yet God chose her nonetheless.

8” x 10” Protective Patty

8” x 10” Protective Patty

8” x 10” Nurturing Nancy

8” x 10” Nurturing Nancy

8” x 10” Calm Curly

8” x 10” Calm Curly

I used the farm animals of a nativity scene to express my joy and humility, but leaving out the insecurities I don’t need to draw attention to. Of course I want to be authentic in how I express myself, but more importantly, I want to inspire hope and joy without bringing more worry into my world or yours!

8” x 10” Energetic Charlie

8” x 10” Energetic Charlie

8” x 10” Playful Romeo

8” x 10” Playful Romeo

Colorful art brings me joy even in times when I’m not feeling very joyful. Animals that reflect the character of Jesus lifts me up, makes me smile, and puts me in a far more positive mindset.

I’m 17-weeks pregnant now, with many more paintings to create, but I just pray this series gives you all the joy it’s brought me, and more this Christmas.

Click HERE or the paintings above to see if a piece is still available.
