Mary Shined Her Light


I'm not going to make this long, but I will make it sweet.

I call this painting "Shine Your Light, " dedicated to an angel that recently found her wings. Mary Eileen Witsiepe, Adam's grandmother, left a legacy of hope and love that will shine through her children, grandchildren, and even non-relatives like me.

And if you think angels are the ones saving lives, donating heaps of money, or serving the sick, you are wrong. Mary had an enormous impact by simply being well..Mary.

Mary loved the Lord, Mary loved people, Mary loved her family very much. That pretty much sums up Mary, she loved. And loved. And loved.

As a lunch lady for almost half her lifespan, she shined that love on thousands apon thousands of young, growing boys and girls who are now sharing that light with others.

If you're wondering how to make a beautiful dent in this dark world, learn from Mary's story. She indeed had a rough life, but came out of it with a soft, tender, compassionate heart. She didn't blame others or complain, instead she continued to trust in the Lord, and with all her heart, and while shining bright.

Rest in peace The Beautiful Mary Eileen Witsiepe.
