365 Creative giving Challenge


My 2018 new years resolution: be more selfless.

The saying really is true, "giving brings much joy." This past year was the first year I started giving because I wanted to, not because I had to, and it really brought me so much joy and fulfillment. 

This year, I want to make it not just a monthly thing, but a daily thing. I want to make my days about others and not just about becoming an established artist.

So for the next 365 days I'll be giving my time, talent, and money to people in need and your welcome to join me!

Creative Give Challenge.png


But, if your on a budget like me, it takes a little creativity to give everyday for 365 days without robbin' the bank. ;-)

I made a long list of ideas for creative giving, but I welcome any more. I'll be posting my journey on social media and I welcome you to join me in the Creative Giving Challenge whether your an artist or not!