#011 Golden Leaves
This weekend was such a hard one for Adam and I. The children likely have Covid, but thankfully a very mild case of it. Still, we’re totally exhausted and grumpy! Today’s verse reminds me how the Lord wastes nothing, even our weakest moments.
While everyone but mama napped, I spent 30-minutes experimenting with my Arteza gold paint to make this golden leaf design.
“My power is made perfect in your weakness.”
Daily Creative Quiet Time
Here I go! All through 2022 I’ll be sharing my daily creative quiet time routine for stress management. I’ll shoot for 10-minutes a day (at least) creating anything I please using one or more of the materials listed down below. Some days I’ll be progressing through a pet portrait commission, or an Online Animal Art Masterclass tutorial, or a Youtube tutorial, or a random idea I need to get down on paper.
The other huge and vital part of my creative process involves me spending time in the presence of God and meditating on His word. Most day’s I’ll be pulling straight from the YouVersion bible app, or from one of Rick Warren’s bible teachings, or another daily devotional.
My greatest desire, dear brother or sister, is that I can bring bright color to your eyes during such dark days AND inspire you to develop your own creative quiet time routine. Even for just 10-minutes a day!
Most Used Materials: