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Day #11 Journal Prompt

Details: Design a painting around 1-3 words representing what you want to focus on in 2021. The sky’s the limit here! You can use any animal, symbol, colors, and images you want.

Message: For example, in my painting I used the words “Favor and Giving.” In 2021 I want to use what God has given me - time, talent, energy, resources, impact - to give back to the hurting. Giving what I can and when I can to children and adults who need a little creative encouragement and guidance. I want this year to be about the people, not about me, because I know I’ll be taken care of just fine.

Now it’s your turn. Let the creativity FLOW! What word or words do you want to focus on this year to keep you moving closer to your goals and aspirations?

Paint Colors: White, Black, Sky Blue, Phthalocyanine Blue, Cadmium Yellow, Cadmium Red, Rouge, Orange.

Other Supplies: Small flat brush, medium flat brush, small liner brush or rigger brush. All materials and brands are listed HERE.

Instructions: After you complete this creative prompt, use the left side to write down the questions shown below this tutorial. I encourage you to write inside your art journal using your favorite pens, pencils, or markers. Once you’ve completed both sections, post/send just your drawing/painting for a chance to win. NOTE: If you’re left handed, switch the side you plan to paint and write on.

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Daily Prayer: Father we ask for your focus and determination this year! To keep our eyes focused on __________________ and not easily distracted or disheartened by all the chaos. Give us tough skins, and tender hearts! Keep us motivated and inspired. Help us to become more colorful, compassionate, and generous with all that you give us. We also thank you Father for the gift of art! For the gift of self-expression. Amen.