Day #6 Journal Prompt
Details: Paint a flamingo with greenery in the background.
Message: It takes three whole years for a baby flamingo to get it’s pink feathers. If I were a baby flamingo I’d probably grow impatient, restless, desperate to be bright pink like all my older flamingo friends, haha! Three years… that’s a long time!
So often I try to make things happen, rushing through the process so I can achieve my goal or solve a problem. Often this leads to an unrest in my spirit that robs me of all joy and peace. Do you feel like this right now? What if I told you that you had three more years to wait? How would you feel?
Whether the wait is three weeks or three years, it’s out of our hands. Often times it’s in the waiting room that our hearts are truly being transformed so we can shine bright later. We may as well make the best of it. We may as well find our joy in the NOW instead of once our waiting is over. Eventually we will get our pink feathers, but until then, we can flaunt our baby grey ones!
Paint Colors: Magenta, Black, White, Portrait Pink (OR White with Cadmium Red), Cadmium Red, Yellow Ochre, Phthalocyanine Blue, Cadmium Yellow.
Other Supplies: Graphite pencil, small flat brush, medium flat brush, liner brush or rigger brush. All materials and brands are listed HERE.
Instructions: After you complete this creative prompt, use the left side to write down the questions shown below this tutorial. I encourage you to write inside your art journal using your favorite pens, pencils, or markers. Once you’ve completed both sections, post/send just your drawing/painting for a chance to win. NOTE: If you’re left handed, switch the side you plan to paint and write on
Daily Prayer: Father this patience thing is the HARDEST lesson for me to learn. To simply be OK with waiting and not fighting to make things happen. I surrender this unrest to you, trusting you that you already have the answers. I surrender so you can do the colorful transformation inside of me so I can eventually shine bright PINK!! Thank you Father, Amen.