Creative Stress Busters

Creative Stress Busters

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#1 Photo Shoot Nature Walk

To unwind after a long day at work, go on a nature walk and document it with your phone. It's therapy for the mind and body!

I do this daily to collect photo's for my custom art, but it really does put me in a better mood.

#2 Pray In Nature

My two favorite things. Worship in nature! 

And not only that, but focusing the mind on pure, honorable, praise worthy things, helps the mind to unwind. Talking to God is where I get my comfort, guidance, wisdom, and encouragement. It slows down my mind immediately. And I do this on our small little stoup outside our side door. Its quiet, full of birds and trees, and private.

#3 Essential Oil Candle's

I don't know if its just the look of candle's or the smell, but every time I light a candle I feel happier. I get the kind that are mostly made of essential oils and MAN are they pungent. Lavender is a great one for relaxation.

#4 Journal Doodle

Writing your thoughts down is helpful, but it doesn't necessarily have to be in words. Doodling can work just as well. Use scribbles, dots, patterns, lines, and curves to express your mood.

#5 Yoga Clip on YouTube

I love how much free wisdom and classes are now on YouTube. Some of us forget that there is an entire university of knowledge there. So what I do when I don't really feel like working out but I'm anxious and I need to move - I watch Yoga from my phone. Search "Unwind Yoga" and you will find some calming ones that aren't to strenuous. 


Positive Surroundings


Aren't these flowers gorgeous! I have them sitting right beside me as I paint in the studio. Little pieces of Gods artwork that reminds me to refocus.

And when I'm not in my studio this is what I bring to the mural sites - Mr. Owl.

As woman we have 10 negative voices to every 1 goal we want to accomplish. We push through to accomplish as many as we can but by the end of the day were emotionally and physically spent. 

Take Mary Poppins advice - "I simply remember my favorite things and then I don't feel so bad." Creating a positive environment full of your favorite things can make an enormous difference on the outcome of your day. 

So when the negative voices come up, make sure you can easily see the positive instead of the negative.